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21 days in May
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Another Catholic Scandal

Here we are again, bored yet?
Extra Extra
It's a Catholic scandal!

Just trying to surprise you about another
Scandalous Catholic Scandal!

Vatican hit by gay sex scandal.
Wiretap transcripts imply that over a period of around five months in 2008, Ehiem, a professional chorister, procured prostitutes for a Papal gentleman-in-waiting Balducci, at least 10 contacts with, among others, "two black Cuban lads", a former male model from Naples, and a rugby player from Rome.
Balducci was arrested on 10 February, suspected of involvement in widespread corruption.

full story - guardian.co.uk

Can anybody say,
Did the Catholic church invent these merely to know what they were indulging in? Or perhaps so that corrupt clergy could easier transmit to each other... "Hey, I had a good bit of LUST going on last eventide. It's really great stuff that! You wanna give it a try!"

Anybody else getting a sickening sense of...
You can take the Baccanalian orgy out of Rome but,
Oh no wait - it's still there isn't it!

Hair shirt anyone?
Deliciously itchy and uncomfortable
Will get you off!
Please be aware Papal guarantees are not actual guarantees

Just to be clear here, I am completely uninterested in the sexual preferences or promiscuity of a Papal maid.
It is only of issue that he is professing he is something he is not and is part of an organization which officially frowns upon that which it seems is going on within it's own walls. Yes once again, as with the delights of the Borgias, it looks like taking it up the bum is in favour within Vatican city.

Brings a whole new meaning to kissing his holy ring eh?
That's all for this one, sleep tight and
Hope you don't dream in Catholic
or should that be, Hope you do? lol!

This is one of the Too many questions


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21 days in May

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